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Registered Members

National Association of University Nursing Programmes

NAUNP is an academic, research-for-service organisation with a commitment to executing programmes directed at excellence in nursing education, research and practice. The resources of the Association are to be used exclusively for the objects of the organisation as set out in this Constitution.

We pride ourselves on facilitating advancement of nursing knowledge through research and effective dissemination of research findings.

Professor Mildred John
Fact About Us!

We are an academic, research-for-service organization with a commitment to executing programmes directed at excellence in nursing education, research and practice.

Our Objectives


To facilitate advancement of nursing knowledge through research and effective dissemination of research findings.


To set agenda for facilitation, promotion of standards and quality assurance in Nursing Education.


To contribute to policy development for nursing practice, health advancement and health care provision in the country


To promote production of educational materials for use in nursing educational institutions in Nigeria


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Global Locations

Department of Nursing
College of Health Sciences
Obafemi Awolowo University